Last 19 December 2019 The Italian Trade Unions and ABI (private banks) signed a new sector collective agreement CCNL (exp on 31 December 2022)

The main points are summarised below:

Contractual area: the current structure that, until now, has guaranteed the entire category is maintained. Workers employed in NPL and UTP operations, even in case of sale, will continue to maintain the ABI collective agreement.

Monthly wage increase: increase of 190.00€ for the average figure (highest level of employees) in three tranches. The increase is 7% and it’s higher than the expected inflation rate (3,6% for the period 2019-2022).

Entry level salary: the existing reduction is eliminated.

Digitalization: a Joint National Committee is established on the impact of new technologies and digitalization with the function of a control room that will be responsible for monitoring and analysis of the change resulting from the new technologies and the elaboration of shared solutions such as those related to the frameworks of new professional figures related to technological innovations.

FOC (Sector Fund for the Support of Employment): the Fund will pay banks 3.500€ for each new employee hired in the Southern regions. The Fund is mainly financed by the banks (and a little contribution by employees).

Part Time: strengthening of rights and priorities for part-time workers (expecially for parents of disabled children).

Agile Work: full regulation of: Definition, Constitution and modalities of the relationship; Rights and duties; Health and Safety, Privacy; Training; Information and Trade Union rights.

Disciplinary procedure: strengthening of the provisions for the protection of workers; advance payment of all legal costs; extension of the deadline for responding to complaints; possibility of access to documents with interruption of the aforementioned deadline.

Maternity/illness: better provisions in case of maternity/paternity and serious illnesses.

Inclusion: establishment of the Inclusion Policy Commission.

Time Bank: new structure for the use of additional leaves for serious and proven personal and/or family situations.

Transfers: without prejudice to the kilometric limit, the age limits are raised.

Professional career development: 50% of accumulated absences of parental and maternity leave (up to a maximum of 5 months) are recognised.

Professional Assessment: failure to achieve the quantitative commercial objectives does not lead to a negative assessment and does not constitute a breach of the duty of collaboration.

Right to Disconnect: new rule protecting the freedom to disconnect outside working hours.

The following sector agreements are included into the new CCNL: Agreement on Trade Policies 8/2/2017; Agreement on leave at the disposal of victims of gender-based violence 8/3/2017; Joint Declaration on Harassment and Gender-based Violence in the Workplace 12/2/2019.

For the Trade Unions the agreement reached is positive.

The agreements, in fact, provide for a strong wage recognition, a revival of the dignity of work and of workers in the recognition of new rights and strengthened protections, new spaces for negotiation to manage technological innovation: it is a great result after a decade of sacrifices for workers in the sector who have, personally, borne the impact of an unprecedented crisis that has affected the entire production system of the country.

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Ho bisogno di informazioni relative a: Last 19 December 2019 The Italian Trade Unions and ABI (private banks) signed a new sector collective agreement CCNL (exp on 31 December 2022)
